You may have noticed that some products on our website are made from stainless steel while some are made from galvanised steel. Still other products are available in both of these materials. So, what's the difference between stainless and galvanised?

Stainless and galvanised steels are visually almost identical but that's where the resemblance ends. The two are very different in several respects, from their respective strengths and weights down to the very materials used in their manufacture.

  • Galvanised steel is common steel that has been coated in zinc via either a hot-dipping or electro-dipping process: Stainless steel is common steel mixed with chromium and other metals at the molten stage.
  • In terms of strength, stainless steel considerably out-performs galvanised. The anti-corrosive zinc layer of galvanised steel wears away over time, revealing the ordinary steel beneath. As stainless steel is an alloy in which the metals are mixed thoroughly together, the level of protection from corrosion remains higher for longer.
  • When it come to price, galvanised steel is more cost-effective than stainless in the short term. Though stainless may be initially more expensive, this must be offset against the metal's longevity.
  • The lower strength and price of galvanised makes it popular for projects with a limited budget and is commonly used in the construction of domestic pipes and other fittings, the manufacture of air conditioning products, roofing and fencing. Stainless is exactly the opposite: a higher price and strength makes it ideal for large projects such as the building of skyscrapers, bridges, vehicles and oil/gas extraction plants.

For expert advice on choosing the right steel for any particular application, get in touch with our skilled and experienced technical team.