Timber Hangers or Joist Hangers are used to connect timber frames, without having to cut the wood. They are used to support timber beams and joists when constructing roofs, decking, and frames. They are one of the most economical and efficient ways to secure a wooden joint, offering strong structural stability and support, but how do you attach them to the wooden elements?

Square Twist Joist Hanger Nails are a very popular choice to fix timber hangers in place, for timber-to-timber construction tasks. Where more support is needed for a load-bearing or non-load-bearing timber joist, these nails deliver additional strength to create a reliable bond. Timber hangers are designed with numerous holes, for either nails or screws to be inserted. When the nails are utilised correctly, you will be able to reap the benefits of a long-lasting and durable fastening.

How are square twist nails different from ordinary nails?

As the name of them suggests, these nails are manufactured with a twist along the shaft. Due to their shape, they are fantastic for reinforcement purposes such as timber hangers. They offer a stronger grip than traditional nails with a straight shaft, as the twist inserts into the material in a way that will not become loose over time, absorbing movement that may arise in roof trusses and building frames.

square twist joist hanger nail

Sherardised nails

The square twist nails that we stock are sherardised, but what does this mean?

Sherardising or dry galvanising is the process of creating a zinc coating, that protects the fixing from corrosion. It is classed as one of the hardest zinc coatings, that can withstand all types of weather conditions and environments, which is why they are popular for roofs and decking as they do not compromise the solidity of the structure.  

To sherardise fixings such as nails, steel is heated at an incredibly high temperature and placed within a closed rotating drum containing zinc dust and sand. Whilst the drum rotates, the temperature remains high, without exceeding the melting point of zinc. During this process, the zinc will eventually evaporate and diffuse, which causes it to bond to the steel. The rotating movement allows the coating to evenly spread across the steel, filling in any crevices or imperfections. This zinc finish allows the end product to be extremely strong and corrosion-resistant, delivering outstanding results.

The square twist nails that we stock are available to purchase in a box of 1000 and sold in a standard size of 30 x 3.75mm to suit all construction tasks.

Plus, to deliver high-quality items at the very best deals, we currently have these nails on offer with 10% off! If you require some five-star hanger nails, make sure to add them to your basket whilst the offer lasts. For more information about these nails or the special offers we presently have on our website, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team today on 03330 117818.