Earlier last month, the UK and Ireland signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) to bolster their commitment to offshore renewable energy, boost electricity interconnection, and ensure gas supply security.

The first MoU titled, ‘Cooperation in the Energy Transition, Offshore Renewables and Electricity Interconnection’, is geared towards harnessing the potential for additional electrical connections between Great Britain and Ireland. With the UK’s growing renewable sector and Ireland’s offshore renewable resources, this collaboration will hopefully benefit both nations immensely.

Electricity Interconnectors, important for facilitating electricity trade between countries, will be instrumental in shaping a shared energy future. Deliberations under this MoU will delve into the feasibility of initiating a joint multipurpose interconnector, which will strengthen the power grids of both nations. Moreover, this partnership will foster enhanced information dissemination between Ireland and the UK regarding the shift to renewable energy sources, including the deployment of onshore and offshore renewables, as well as energy sources such as low-carbon hydrogen.

The second MoU, which was signed on the 11th of September 2023, titled ‘ Cooperation for Natural Gas Security of Supply’, underscores the robust energy ties between the UK and Ireland. Its main focus is to strengthen existing methodologies and cooperation to ensure the steadfast security of natural gas supply.

Should there arise scenarios of supply reductions or disruptions, this MoU details the collaborative steps both nations would undertake, ensuring energy security remains uncompromised.

Eamon Ryan, the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, articulated the urgency of regional cooperation in the face of global challenges like climate change. He emphasised the importance of harnessing the capabilities of renewable energy in achieving climate targets and fortifying energy security.

Acknowledging the UK's leadership in offshore renewable energy and recognising Ireland's significant offshore renewable assets, Minister Ryan spotlighted the myriad benefits of enhanced interconnection: bolstered supply security, heightened wholesale market competition, and the potential for exporting surplus renewable electricity during periods of abundant generation.

UK's Energy Security Secretary, Claire Coutinho, echoed this sentiment, marking the day as a ‘historic moment’ in the UK-Ireland energy relationship. Emphasising the UK's global leadership in energy security and its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions, Secretary Coutinho envisioned a future of robust energy partnerships, culminating in cleaner, more affordable, and secure energy supplies for both nations.

Building on the momentum of enhanced energy cooperation between the UK and Ireland, businesses within the construction sector are also making changes by adopting renewable energy, like ourselves! With the increase in sustainable energy solutions, BS Fixings decided to utilise solar power. By installing solar panels at our premises, we have not only reduced our carbon footprint but also aligned ourselves with broader national objectives of transitioning towards more eco-friendly solutions.

Please read more on Construction here, for more information on the green initiative.