At BS Fixings, we are passionate about sustainability and reducing our environmental impact, and we are also delighted to see other companies follow suit. This is why we are pleased to report that Wrekin Products and Barratt Homes have teamed up to take part in the "The Sea Starts Here" initiative, which is a campaign aimed at highlighting the large environmental impact that small deposits of litter can cause. This campaign has gained notable traction over the last few years, with various organisations taking part, such as Ullapool Sea Savers. The campaign's message is boldly displayed through blue-painted Wrekin’s gully grates that are spread throughout Barratt’s Kings Park, a David Wilson Homes development area in Macclesfield.

Promoting Environmental Awareness

Simon Turner, Wrekin Products' commercial director, explained the campaign's goal: “We hope this campaign will go some way to increasing awareness about the problems and effects of water pollution on our marine wildlife.” He also makes clear his desire to remind people that “there is a correct place for litter to go, and it’s not down our drains.”

Turner advocates respecting the beauty of our environment, stating that we are “lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful natural landscapes on the planet; and that it’s “a shame to see it needlessly harmed by pollution and rubbish.”

Staggering Reports

Keep Britain Tidy reports that the UK discards an estimated 30 million tonnes of litter annually, costing £1 billion in cleanup efforts. The Canal & River Trust states that nearly half of this litter (14 million tonnes) ends up polluting rivers and canals. This pollution has resulted in a situation where no UK waterways are classified as being in 'good health.'

Another alarming report, this time from the Environmental Audit Committee (2022), found that housing developments' drainage systems that are clogged with plastic and non-biodegradable waste, contribute to an inefficient sewerage system that cannot function properly due to being consistently overloaded.

Addressing Drainage System Challenges

Alaric Ross-Wagenknecht, project engineer at Barratt and David Wilson Homes Anglia, says: “We wanted to work with Wrekin to educate children and adults in a fun and informative way about the importance of pollution control and the role of drainage infrastructure.” The fact that this message is imprinted on gully grating will also mean that this message will “be here for years to come.”

BS Fixings: Committed to Sustainability

Here at BS Fixings, we also like to play our part in reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to sustainability. That’s why we offer a wide selection of sustainable products, which help reduce our environmental impact whilst maintaining high standards of quality and performance. Our commitment to sustainability is also evident through our ISO 14001:2015 certification, which was met through actions like installing solar panels across our facilities, switching to LED lighting, and transitioning our company fleet to all electric vehicles. By offering sustainable products and adopting eco-friendly practices, we can safely say that we are proudly maximising our efforts to help the environment, hopefully inspiring others to do the same.

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