Whilst the interiors of homes across the UK are built to withstand damage and last a long time, it is almost certain that they will take small forms of wear and tear somewhere down the line. A main form of damage involves cracks within an interior wall. These can range in severity, from hairline cracks to small or large holes. But no matter what kind of crack you have in your wall, our products will help repair the damage in no time at all!

Firstly, you will need the right equipment to ensure that there are no issues before, during, or after the filling process. Here are the required and optional materials needed to get the job done!


Materials Needed:

Optional Materials:


Now that you have all the necessary equipment, here is a full step-by-step guide on how to fill cracks in any interior wall:

  • Prepare the Room: Ensure that the crack is not obstructed by any ornaments, shelves, or wall decorations. It is also recommended that you cover the floor with a protective layer in case of any spillage.
  • Clean and Prepare the Crack for Filling: If there are any screws within the crack, remove them. Then it is time to clean around the crack. Use a cloth, sponge, or wipe to remove any paint, dust, or other debris. Allow the crack to dry after cleaning before applying any filler.
  • Apply the Filler: Using a filling knife, apply the filling material to the crack. Once the filler is applied, use the filing knife as a scraper to take away any excess compound from the edges of the crack.
  • Leave the Filler to Set: Allow time for the filling material to completely dry. This time is dependent on the product used but should be included in its instructions.
  • Sand the Surface: Once the filler has dried, lightly sand over it to smooth it out. Smoothing out the filler will help it match the texture of the rest of the wall, giving it a uniform appearance.
  • Prime the Surface: Apply primer to the surface, as this will give the filler a better seal.
  • Paint the Surface: If your wall is a different colour to the filler, then carefully paint over the primed and filled surface in a paint that matches your wall. After the paint is applied, allow it to dry.


Tips for Aftercare:

  • Keep Your Room Ventilated: Allowing a good flow of ventilation will rid the room of any odour from the filler. This will also aid in the drying process.
  • Minimise Movement: Ensure that the filled area is free from any form of vibration. Otherwise, this could both hurt the curing process and the integrity of the filler.
  • Regular Inspections: Regularly check the filled part of the wall to ensure that there is no shrinkage. Sometimes filler can shrink as it cures, and if this is the case, then apply additional filler using the same steps as above.


A cracked wall is never a good sight, but by following our guide and using the products listed above, you will be able to swiftly fill in any crack! If you are interested in what else we have to offer, then look at our full range of products by browsing our website. Should you need any further advice or information, then call us on 03330 117818 or email us at info@bsfixings.co.uk.