Here at BS Fixings, we pride ourselves on our unparalleled customer service, offering our customers both expert knowledge and competitive product prices. Over the span of 20 years, our experience in the fixing and fastening industry has continued to grow, and we now offer an extensive range of products from well-known suppliers across the world! All the brands we stock are sold on our website at trade prices, to ensure all of our customers receive the best products at the best price!

Listed below are some of our current best sellers:

If you would like to browse our most recent discounts, we have a special offers page that we regularly update. We want to keep costs as low as we can for our customers, especially during times like this, when many households and businesses are feeling the pinch of rising costs.

Our mission is to provide the same top-quality products and services as the bigger and more well-known brands but at more affordable prices! When it comes to the best price around, “IF WE CAN, WE WILL!”.

We will always try to make sure that when you shop with us, you are presented with unrivalled customer service and our best possible prices!

If you would like to save even more money with us, our VIP club is designed to let you access the very best deals as soon as they are live. By becoming a BS Fixings’ VIP member, you’ll receive discount codes, exclusive VIP sales, and early access to new products, on top of the competitive prices that we already offer. If this is something that is of interest to you, simply fill in the form with your email address and you’ll be all set up!

If you require more information about the products we stock or our VIP club, contact us today on 03330 117818 or email, and we will be more than happy to help!