






  1. Let’s talk about Tamtorque sign fixings!

    With Christmas fast approaching, you might be turning your thoughts to preparing for Christmas and the unenviable task of putting up your Christmas decorations. Whether you are in charge of a whole town display, or just a small arrangement, you will know how important it is to use the best fixings available to protect your displays and ensure they stay...
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  2. Customer Creations!

    We are pleased to announce that we now feature a new section on our blog and social media platforms called Customer Creations, to showcase the artistic work carried out by our customers who use our products in creative ways. Just like the image featured above! This sculpture was created by Lisa Jahme, an exceptional wire artist from Tenby, who used...
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  3. Insulation Nation!

    British homes are notorious for being some of the worst insulated in Europe, which means they need to use more energy to keep warm, and with today’s rising prices it is important now more than ever to save on energy wherever you can. Getting insulation installed could be a great investment for you and your family. Adding insulation to your...
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  4. Global Stainless Steel output forecast shrinks for 2022

    Recently published figures suggested that the rise in Global output for stainless will be around 1% this year. With the threat of a global recession looming in the third quarter of the year, caused by soaring energy prices, it is predicted that consumer spending will reduce. Coupled with the increased costs in the manufacturing sector, many believe that this will...
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  5. What are Clout Nails?

    Clout nails, also known as roofing nails or shingle nails, are common in everyday life even if you do not see them, as they are used in attaching sheet material to wooden frames or sheets. Common ways that clout nails are used is in the fastening of shingle, felt, asphalt, and slate to roofing. They are utilised for tasks such...
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  6. We completed Tough Mudder 2022!

    On Saturday 30th July, members of both the BS Fixings and BS Stainless teams got together to complete the grueling Tough Mudder course in Skipton. The route consists of a 15-kilometre run and 30 different obstacles to overcome, which includes a lot of (you guessed it) mud!   With no competition and no timing, it is just you, your teammates...
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  7. BS Fixings attended the Torque-Expo in Telford!

    We are always vigilantly on the hunt for new, top-quality suppliers here at BS Fixings, and our latest search took us to the Torque-Expo in Telford last month.   The Torque-Expo is a convention where lots of different companies come together to exhibit their work and network with other firms from across the nation. The expo featured a big seminar...
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  8. BS Fixings attended the Door 4 Marketing Event in Burnley!

    At BS Fixings, we are always keen to improve our service and learn better ways to keep our clients happy and with this in mind, we had a great time at a recent marketing event “The Performance Blueprint” held at the Crow Wood Hotel & Spa in Burnley, by the company Door 4.   We had a lot of fun...
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  9. BS Fixings attended the Wire event in Germany!

    BS Fixings’ parent company BS Stainless LTD recently exhibited at Wire 2022 in Dusseldorf, Germany to showcase their extensive range of stainless steel products.   As BS Stainless LTD is the UK’s largest independent supplier of stainless steel wire to a global market, our support for their presence at the event was of considerable importance. Dusseldorf was an ideal location...
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