






  1. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, We're off to Brno!

    Hot on the heels of the Gastech event comes another important date on the stainless steel calendar. Simply named Stainless 2017, the trade fair and exhibition does exactly what it says on the tin (which is made out of stainless steel, of course!). Oh and it involves even more international travel: our team are regular globetrotters! Stainless 2017 will take...
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  2. As One Door Closes...

    Insurance for the next trip away. Sending off the guarantee activation for the new boiler. Remembering to set the burglar alarm. All of these things, and many more that we do without thinking, are examples of the same thing: protecting your investment. It makes sense to extend this way of thinking right across life and that means looking out for...
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  3. Enjoy Big April Discounts on Popular Products

    Everyone loves a bargain and we here at BS Fixings are no exception. So we always have an exclusive array of special offers to share with our customers, saving you money on our already-low prices! The offers are on different products all of the time therefore you should keep in touch via our newsletter, social media and by visiting our site. This will...
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  4. Graffiti: Art or Annoyance?

    Graffiti is a recognised art form and artists such as Banksy have enjoyed great popularity. But it's definitely a case of NIMBY: Not In My Back Yard. If you have discovered unsightly graffiti anywhere on your property and you are looking for a reliable, efficient and cost-effective way to get rid of it, then your search ends here. We are...
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  5. Goebel: The Man Behind the Brand

    The name of a company is often that of its owner and we use such names all the time without thinking about the people behind them. We know that some names aren’t real but we never know quite WHICH ones. Is there really a Mr Pringles? And we have always had our suspicions about Ronald McDonald. There is one we...
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  6. Steel 101: Back to Grade School

    On our website, you’ll have noticed that some of the many different types of steel fixings and fastenings we supply are available to purchase in different ‘grades’ of metal. To the newcomer, it can all be a bit confusing so here is our quick guide to the similarities and differences between two of the most popularly-used grades: 304 and 316. Just to...
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  7. The Art of Wire Sculpture

    BS Fixings is beginning to acquire something of a reputation for rubbing shoulders with artistic types, something that we feel adds a welcome touch to our tough, industrial appearance! We have always sung the praises of everyone’s favourite metal and often commented on its versatility. The stuff our artist friends are coming up with really shows this off. So, who is...
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  8. International Quality at your Fingertips...

    Metal cladding is where some of stainless steel’s toughest qualities are demanded of and put to the test. Protecting workers and property in myriad ways from various forms of pollution, including that from noise. Massive bales of insulation material are secured in strategic locations to help control the noise of machinery and rapid temperature changes. What is all of this...
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  9. Mend a Fence or Create a Fairy?!

    Stainless steel. What images do these words bring to mind? For almost all of us, depending on our jobs and lifestyles, the mental images are going to be of highly-functional products, machines and components — this is true whether you are thinking of anything from a fork to a forklift truck or a juicer to a jumbo jet. For a...
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