






  1. The Sun is Pouring., The Rain is Shining...

    It is lovely and sunny outside - so why not get out into your garden and get constructive and productive? It is raining and windy outside - but that never put off the keen and capable gardener and DIYer so why not get out into your garden and get constructive and productive? It is snowing outside so…. OK, you get...
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  2. Exclusive Fastener Fair — Our Team Prepare to Attend

    Keeping on top of all of the new developments in the world of fasteners and fixings is a full-time job and, like any other, it has its perks here and there. One of these is the many exhibitions, trade fairs and other events which take place around the world, allowing our hardworking staff some well-deserved time away from the office...
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  3. New Stainless Steel Fixings & Fastenings – Plus Mystery Guest..

    If you are a regular visitor to our comprehensive online store for stainless steel fixings and fastenings, then you may have noticed one or two changes. This is because we have recently added some exciting new products to our collection, increasing the scope of what you can achieve with our help, knowledge and quality merchandise. Why not join us on a quick...
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  4. Latches and Catches and Toggles, Oh My!

    Toggle latches, catches or just plain toggles - whatever you call them, they’ve got a hundred different uses but they always do the same job. That is keeping things secure and whatever box, case or even chest you keep YOUR treasures in, it could probably do with a toggle on it. So pack up your troubles and unpack your toggles...
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  5. Stainless Steel & Football – Spot the Connection

    It’s set to excite, dismay, unite and divide a nation, a continent - and quite possibly your sofa at home too… Yes it’s that time again, the UEFA European Championship. Better known as Euro 2016, this year’s tournament is gearing up to be one of the most thrilling in years and everyone in England could do with a win to...
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  6. Set Bolts and Screws — What's the Difference?

    Making sure you have the right tools for the job is essential before you start work – it will save you time and money (and a lot of frustration!). There are crucial differences between stainless steel fixings and fastenings that must be understood and one of these is the difference between set bolts and screws. With our quick guide below, you...
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  7. Grade 304 and 316 - What's the difference?

    Stainless steel comes in a wide variety of grades. Each grade has it's own particular characteristics and chemical make up that make it useful for certain applications. Two of the most commonly used grades of stainless steel are grade 304 and grade 316. Grade 304 is often referred to as '1.4301', 'A2' or 'AISI304'. Grade 316 is commonly known as...
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  8. What's So Super About Super Screws?

    When it comes to fastenings, you’ve got to admit that screws are pretty super. But now they have been given actual super powers and offer an even better option, whatever project you are working on. So what is it about super screws that puts them at the top of their game? The main thing that makes super screws so much...
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  9. Stainless Steel Imports — how they affect YOU...

    As steel is such an essential material, used in such a wide array of products that it is almost impossible to imagine a world without it, the economics surrounding its trade are closely monitored. You may have heard of ‘dumping’ regulations relating to imported steel from China recently, but what is it all about and how does it affect you...
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Items 325 to 333 of 359 total

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