






  1. What is a Washer and What Does it Do?

    A question we are often asked is ‘what exactly are washers for?’. The simple yet essential device, which can be purchased from BS Fixings (once you know what they’re for!) has been part of our daily lives for a long time, so let’s go right back to the start. One succinct dictionary definition of a washer is "a perforated annular disc or flattened...
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  2. Foil VS Fillings — You're The Loser...

    Have you ever accidentally had a bit of tin foil come into contact with your dental fillings? It causes a sudden, deep and debilitating pain that is immediately relieved once the offending bit of foil is removed from the area. What is it that causes this reaction? Just the thought of the sensation is enough to get any past victim...
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  3. Rivets are... Riveting! Trust us....

    Rivets have been found dating back hundreds of years - the small but infinitely-versatile fasteners have been making our lives easier since time immemorial. Heavy industries, such as those involved with building massive seagoing ships and the tallest skyscrapers, have used millions in their work over the years, as well as vehicle manufacturers, renovators and even DIYers! They are still...
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  4. Do it for Dudley!

    Last weekend, your faithful writer was called upon to look after a wonderful dog named Dudley while his owners enjoyed some much-deserved R&R time. All went well until we arrived back after a walk in the park and Dudley sat his not-inconsiderable bulk down in the hallway and refused to move. I left him to it and a battle-of-wills commenced...
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  5. Bs Fixings — From Acorn to Oak

    ‘From little acorns grow giant oaks’. This old adage is particularly suited to BS Fixings and our development as a company, which has been particularly fast and beyond any expectations. From a little offshoot designed to facilitate purchasing small quantities for a few customers, BS Fixings has grown into a little empire all of its own, a fact that we...
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  6. BS Fixings Sponsorship Deal

    Regular readers of our blog will know that some of our staff members make up a 5-a-side football team, who are fondly nicknamed Barcelona! They play together every Wednesday, strengthening their skills along with their team spirit, practicing for those big matches with amazing results. The bonding of the team endures on and off the pitch, making them function better...
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  7. Tap Tap. Who's There? Goebel. Goebel Who...?

    Don’t buy a screw and tap yourself – choose Goebel self-tapping screws instead! Our parent company BS Stainless is used to working with major international clients, supplying stainless steel products in massive quantities for large-scale industrial projects all over the world. Reading the news pages of their website can be a little bit daunting and confusing for the rest of...
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  8. It's Time for Top of the Pops!

    All of the most informative charts, from albums and singles to movies and books, are collated from the most reliable source - the people who are actually buying the products. We at BS Fixings can sit and list our own particular favourite products all day long but, when we want to know what is REALLY making waves as it flies...
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  9. Is the BS Fixings Quest Finally Over?

    Stainless steel is our business and so, you won’t be surprised that our website is absolutely full of the stuff in all its forms, from tying wire and roofing products to screws, nails and toggles. One of the newest products added to our website is NOT - shock! Horror! - made from stainless steel… can you guess what it is...
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